It’s a program built for 64-bit ARM architecture.
$ file chains
chains: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, stripped
$ checksec --file chains
Partial RELRO No canary found NX enabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH chains
Decompile it with ghidra
, according to function FUN_00100838
and FUN_001007cc
, we know that the program needs to calculate times return from FUN_001007cc
for numbers from 1 to 900000000, if the times match value at even position(target
) in array DAT_00111040
, then value at odd position(count
) is reduced by 1. So if we group the array by target
, it’s about to find the count
th value in corresponding target
ulonglong FUN_001007cc(uint param_1)
uint cur;
uint ret;
ret = 0;
cur = param_1;
while (cur != 1) {
if ((cur & 1) == 0) {
cur = cur >> 1;
else {
cur = cur * 3 + 1;
ret = ret + 1;
return (ulonglong)ret;
undefined8 FUN_00100838(void)
int target;
int res;
uint cur;
uint N;
int count;
cur = 0;
do {
if (0x29f7 < cur) {
return 0;
target = *(int *)(&DAT_00111040 + (ulonglong)cur * 4);
count = *(int *)(&DAT_00111040 + (ulonglong)(cur + 1) * 4);
N = 1;
while (N < 900000000) {
res = FUN_001007cc((ulonglong)N);
if (target == res) {
count = count + -1;
if (count == 0) {
putchar(N + 0xca5b17ff);
N = N + 1;
cur = cur + 2;
} while( true );
Find out the array
is an integer array, dump the whole block of data and process it with python
dat = dat.split(' ')
targets = []
for i in range(0, len(dat), 4):
targets.append(int(''.join(reversed(dat[i:i+4])), 16))
print('targets size:', len(targets))
distinct_targets = dict()
counter = Counter()
for i in range(0, len(targets), 2):
counter[targets[i]] += 1
print('counter size:', len(counter))
We get an array with 2686 elements, but only 19 distinct targets.
[136, 4253818, 136, 4253813, 271, 1779864, 136, 4253816, 136, 4253816, 211, 3144285, 136,...,352, 495094, 136, 4253825, 181, 4130208, 136, 4253767]
targets size: 2686
Counter({211: 628, 136: 500, 160: 81, 181: 52, 352: 22, 266: 11, 105: 10, 271: 7, 199: 7, 273: 7, 247: 5, 113: 3, 341: 3, 110: 2, 303: 1, 318: 1, 116: 1, 202: 1, 185: 1})
counter size: 19
Calculate times
As we only interest in results from FUN_001007cc
that exist in distinct targets, we could precalculate them for reference. The max target is 352
, then we stop calculate when it exceeds the value to save time. Redirect the result to file for later lookup. It took about 20min to generate the whole map.
unordered_map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int>> target_group = {
{211,vector<unsigned int>()},
{136,vector<unsigned int>()},
{160,vector<unsigned int>()},
{181,vector<unsigned int>()},
{352,vector<unsigned int>()},
{266,vector<unsigned int>()},
{105,vector<unsigned int>()},
{271,vector<unsigned int>()},
{199,vector<unsigned int>()},
{273,vector<unsigned int>()},
{247,vector<unsigned int>()},
{113,vector<unsigned int>()},
{341,vector<unsigned int>()},
{110,vector<unsigned int>()},
{303,vector<unsigned int>()},
{318,vector<unsigned int>()},
{116,vector<unsigned int>()},
{202,vector<unsigned int>()},
{185,vector<unsigned int>()}
unsigned int FUN_001007cc(unsigned int num) {
unsigned int cur;
unsigned int ret;
ret = 0;
cur = num;
while (cur != 1 && ret < 353) {
if ((cur & 1) == 0) {
cur = cur >> 1;
} else {
cur = cur * 3 + 1;
return (unsigned long)ret;
int precalculate() {
unsigned int res, N;
for (N = 1; N < 900000000; ++N) {
res = FUN_001007cc(N);
if (target_group.find(res) != target_group.end()){
for (auto& t : target_group) {
printf("%u:", t.first);
for (auto& n : t.second) {
printf("%u,", n);
return 0;
Lookup the targets
Now we iterate through the array to find matches, convert number at arr[cur+1]-1
in target_group[arr[cur]]
to char
, concatenate all the chars we get a long description about Collatz conjecture and the flag is at the end of it. It took about 28sec to generate the result.
target_group = {}
with open('target_group') as fd:
while True:
l = fd.readline()
if l == None or l == '':
t = l.split(":")
target_group[int(t[0])] = list(map(int, t[1].split(',')[:-1]))
flag = ''
for cur in range(0, len(arr), 2):
if target_group[arr[cur]] is not None:
if arr[cur+1] <= len(target_group[arr[cur]]):
N = target_group[arr[cur]][arr[cur+1]-1]
print(N, (N+0xca5b17ff)%256, chr((N+0xca5b17ff)%256))
flag += chr((N+0xca5b17ff)%256)
print('flag:', flag)