
It’s a program built for 64-bit ARM architecture.

$ file chains
chains: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, stripped
$ checksec --file chains
RELRO           STACK CANARY      NX            PIE             RPATH      RUNPATH      FILE
Partial RELRO   No canary found   NX enabled    PIE enabled     No RPATH   No RUNPATH   chains

Decompile it with ghidra, according to function FUN_00100838 and FUN_001007cc, we know that the program needs to calculate times return from FUN_001007cc for numbers from 1 to 900000000, if the times match value at even position(target) in array DAT_00111040, then value at odd position(count) is reduced by 1. So if we group the array by target, it’s about to find the countth value in corresponding target group.

ulonglong FUN_001007cc(uint param_1)
  uint cur;
  uint ret;
  ret = 0;
  cur = param_1;
  while (cur != 1) {
    if ((cur & 1) == 0) {
      cur = cur >> 1;
    else {
      cur = cur * 3 + 1;
    ret = ret + 1;
  return (ulonglong)ret;

undefined8 FUN_00100838(void)
  int target;
  int res;
  uint cur;
  uint N;
  int count;
  cur = 0;
  do {
    if (0x29f7 < cur) {
      return 0;
    target = *(int *)(&DAT_00111040 + (ulonglong)cur * 4);
    count = *(int *)(&DAT_00111040 + (ulonglong)(cur + 1) * 4);
    N = 1;
    while (N < 900000000) {
      res = FUN_001007cc((ulonglong)N);
      if (target == res) {
        count = count + -1;
      if (count == 0) {
        putchar(N + 0xca5b17ff);
      N = N + 1;
    cur = cur + 2;
  } while( true );

Find out the array

DAT_00111040 is an integer array, dump the whole block of data and process it with python.

dat = dat.split(' ')
targets = []

for i in range(0, len(dat), 4):
  targets.append(int(''.join(reversed(dat[i:i+4])), 16))

print('targets size:', len(targets))

distinct_targets = dict()
counter = Counter()
for i in range(0, len(targets), 2):
    counter[targets[i]] += 1

print('counter size:', len(counter))

We get an array with 2686 elements, but only 19 distinct targets.

[136, 4253818, 136, 4253813, 271, 1779864, 136, 4253816, 136, 4253816, 211, 3144285, 136,...,352, 495094, 136, 4253825, 181, 4130208, 136, 4253767]
targets size: 2686
Counter({211: 628, 136: 500, 160: 81, 181: 52, 352: 22, 266: 11, 105: 10, 271: 7, 199: 7, 273: 7, 247: 5, 113: 3, 341: 3, 110: 2, 303: 1, 318: 1, 116: 1, 202: 1, 185: 1})
counter size: 19

Calculate times

As we only interest in results from FUN_001007cc that exist in distinct targets, we could precalculate them for reference. The max target is 352, then we stop calculate when it exceeds the value to save time. Redirect the result to file for later lookup. It took about 20min to generate the whole map.

unordered_map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int>> target_group = {
 {211,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {136,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {160,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {181,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {352,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {266,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {105,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {271,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {199,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {273,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {247,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {113,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {341,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {110,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {303,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {318,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {116,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {202,vector<unsigned int>()},
 {185,vector<unsigned int>()}

unsigned int FUN_001007cc(unsigned int num) {
  unsigned int cur;
  unsigned int ret;
  ret = 0;
  cur = num;

  while (cur != 1 && ret < 353) {
    if ((cur & 1) == 0) {
      cur = cur >> 1;
    } else {
      cur = cur * 3 + 1;
  return (unsigned long)ret;

int precalculate() {
  unsigned int res, N;

  for (N = 1; N < 900000000; ++N) {
    res = FUN_001007cc(N);
    if (target_group.find(res) != target_group.end()){

  for (auto& t : target_group) {
    printf("%u:", t.first);
    for (auto& n : t.second) {
      printf("%u,", n);
  return 0;

Lookup the targets

Now we iterate through the array to find matches, convert number at arr[cur+1]-1 in target_group[arr[cur]] to char, concatenate all the chars we get a long description about Collatz conjecture and the flag is at the end of it. It took about 28sec to generate the result.

target_group = {}

with open('target_group') as fd:
    while True:
        l = fd.readline()
        if l == None or l == '':
        t = l.split(":")
        target_group[int(t[0])] = list(map(int, t[1].split(',')[:-1]))

flag = ''

for cur in range(0, len(arr), 2):
    if target_group[arr[cur]] is not None:
        if arr[cur+1] <= len(target_group[arr[cur]]):
            N = target_group[arr[cur]][arr[cur+1]-1]
            print(N, (N+0xca5b17ff)%256, chr((N+0xca5b17ff)%256))
            flag += chr((N+0xca5b17ff)%256)
print('flag:', flag)