Otp Implementation
Disassemble the program with ghidra
, looks like the program take a string as parameter on startup and does some calculation with it, at the end, compares the result with string lfmhjmnahapkechbanheabbfjladhbplbnfaijdajpnljecghmoafbljlaamhpaheonlmnpmaddhngbgbhobgnofjgeaomadbidl
, if match the given string is the key, we need to xor
the key with the string in flag.txt
to get the flag.
// calculate with the given string
while( true ) {
iVar3 = valid_char((ulong)(uint)(int)param[i]);
if (iVar3 == 0) break;
if (i == 0) {
cVar1 = jumble();
bVar2 = (byte)(cVar1 >> 7) >> 4;
buf[0] = (cVar1 + bVar2 & 0xf) - bVar2;
else {
cVar1 = jumble();
bVar2 = (byte)((int)cVar1 + (int)buf[i + -1] >> 0x37);
buf[i] = ((char)((int)cVar1 + (int)buf[i + -1]) + (bVar2 >> 4) & 0xf) - (bVar2 >> 4);
i = i + 1;
j = 0;
while (j < i) {
buf[j] = buf[j] + 'a';
j = j + 1;
// check whether input is the key
if (i == 100) {
iVar3 = strncmp(buf,
if (iVar3 == 0) {
puts("You got the key, congrats! Now xor it with the flag!");
uVar4 = 0;
goto LAB_001009ea;
From valid_char
we know that the string should be composed with 0123456789abcdef
. So we need to guess a 100 bytes string with 0123456789abcdef
undefined8 valid_char(char param_1)
undefined8 valid;
if ((param_1 < '0') || ('9' < param_1)) {
if ((param_1 < 'a') || ('f' < param_1)) {
valid = 0;
else {
valid = 1;
else {
valid = 1;
return valid;
Each byte is calculated based on the one before it, except the first one. We could generate possible strings and check if the first n bytes matchs the first n bytes of the target string. Trace the system call of strncmp
we could get the result string.
$ ltrace -s 1000 ./otp aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
strncpy(0x7ffe7018cfb0, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 100) = 0x7ffe7018cfb0
strncmp("fkpejodinchmbglafkpejodinchmbglafkpejodinchmbglafkpejodinchmbglafkpejodinchmbglafkpejodinchmbglafkpe\376\177", "lfmhjmnahapkechbanheabbfjladhbplbnfaijdajpnljecghmoafbljlaamhpaheonlmnpmaddhngbgbhobgnofjgeaomadbidl", 100) = -6
puts("Invalid key!"Invalid key!
) = 13
+++ exited (status 1) +++
Now we need to parse the output of ltrace
to get the result string, then we compare it with the target string.
for i in range(target_len):
for x in sample:
key[i] = x
p = Popen(['ltrace', '-s', '1000', './otp', ''.join(key)], stderr=PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL)
output = p.stderr.read().decode()
res = re.search('strncmp\(\"(.+)\".+\)', output).group(1)[:100]
if target[i] == res[i]:
Finally, xor
the key with flag.txt
to decode the flag.