Cereal Hacker 1
Tried to login as guest:guest
, it redirect to /index.php?file=regular_user
. checkout application cookies, the value of user_info
looks suspicious. it is a url-encoded base64 string.
After decoding, we got a object description
=> Object s
=> string attribute
Number indicates the length of the following value.
If we change guest
to admin
, then we can visit as admin. we need SQL injection to bypass the password.
pw = "password' or '1'='1"
user_info = 'O:11:"permissions":2:{s:8:"username";s:5:"admin";s:8:"password";s:'+str(len(pw))+':"'+pw+'";}'
cookie = base64.b64encode(s.encode())
Replace the value of user_info
with the updated one, try to visit admin page /index.php?file=admin
, now we have the flag.