
The program asks us to provide input to recover password. User input go through the following calculation, we need to find out the input that makes the result match array EXPECTED.

ulong update_crc_32(uint param_1,byte param_2)
  return (ulong)(param_1 >> 8 ^ *(uint *)(crc_tab32 + (ulong)(byte)(param_2 ^ (byte)param_1) * 4));
  printf("Please provide input to recover your password: ");
  i = 0;
  while ((i < 0x40 && (iVar1 = getchar(), iVar1 != -1))) {
    input[i] = (uint8_t)iVar1;
    crc32_cur8 = update_crc_32((ulong)crc32_cur8,(ulong)input[i],(ulong)input[i]);
    masked_uint8_t = ~(byte)crc32_cur8;
    if (masked_uint8_t == EXPECTED[i]) {
      correct[i] = true;
    crc32_cur16 = update_crc_32((ulong)crc32_cur16,(ulong)masked_uint8_t);
    from_blob[i] = BLOB[(int)(uint)(ushort)~(ushort)crc32_cur16];
    decrypted[i] = input[i] ^ from_blob[i];
    i = i + 1;
  printf("\nRecovered password: %s\n",decrypted);

The idea is we minic the process, brute-force to find out the 0x40 characters.

unsigned int update_crc32(unsigned int param1, unsigned char param2) {
    return (unsigned int)((param1 >> 8) ^ crc32_tab[(unsigned char)(param2^(unsigned char)param1)]);

int main() {

  unsigned int cur8 = 0xffffffff;

  for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; ++i) {
    bool found = false;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 256; ++j) {
      unsigned int res = update_crc32(cur8, j);
      if ((unsigned char)(~res) == expected[i]) {
          cur8 = res;
          printf("%c", j);
  return 0;

Dumnp the output to c0ll1s10ns we can finally get the flag.

$ g++ recover.cpp && ./a.out |./c0ll1s10ns 
Please provide input to recover your password: 
Recovered password: GLSC{hop3_th3r3_w3R3n't_t00_m4ny_c0ll1s10ns_Those_can_be_a_Pa1n}